A cooperation cluster of
Your contact:
Dr. Akuma Saningong
T: +49 (0)40 5488704-42
E: dr.saningong@eura-ag.de
T: +48 (0)81 886 3421381
F: +48 (0)81 886 4547
E: asyp@iung.pulawy.pl
H: www.iung.pulawy.pl
The Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation- State Research Institute (IUNG-PIB is the largest and the oldest research-development centre in Poland, conducting agricultural studies under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The broad range of activities comprises crop production, soil science and fertilisation, as well as recognition and protection of agricultural areas against various forms of degradation. The Institute's tasks are implemented within the long-term programme entitled "The sustainable development of crop production and management of agricultural areas in Poland". The research output of IUNG-PIB is forwarded to farmers through a net of agricultural advisory centres. The Institute is also very active in working for administration and local authorities.
The Institute's modern facilities include a Central Laboratory of Chemical Analyses and Conference and Training Centre, where education and training activities as well as international conferences are held. Scientists from the IUNG have gained great experience in planning and organising agricultural farms, ecologisation of rural areas and management of protected areas. A number of scientists is engaged in assessing the effect of agriculture, industry and urban-industrial agglomeration on the environment. They also play a leading role in projects aimed at evaluating usability of mineral and organic wastes as fertilisers. The institute has been successful in coordinating and participating in number of 6FP, 7FP, H2020, national projects, as well as international projects. IUNG-PIB has launched the European Community FP7 project entitled Strengthening IUNG’s proficiency in "Managing the Production of Food and Feedstuffs, their safety and quality under global Climatic Change" acronym: PROFICIENCY.
Alina Syp, PhD