A cooperation cluster of
Your contact:
Dr. Akuma Saningong
T: +49 (0)40 5488704-42
E: dr.saningong@eura-ag.de
The R&I network biomastecDanube is an extension of the network biomastec. biomastec is a network, which was initiated and co-financed from 2011 to 2014 by the German Federal Ministry (BMWi) of Economics and Energy. The intentions of biomastec were/are the efficient and sustainable energetic and material use of biomass with emphasis on waste biological resources to bring innovative valued-added products, technologies and services into the market. This is achieved by a closed collaboration between academia and industry so that the "innovation valley of death" is successfully handled. Innovation valley of death deals with the commercialisation of research knowledge.
Under this premise, biomastecDanube is an agglomeration of universities, research organisations, companies (focus on SMEs) and other theme-related clusters from the up- and downstream countries within the Danube region. They have come together to work with their German counterparts to perform joint R&I projects in the area of the efficient use of waste biological resources. In a first approach, the partners intend to construct a state-of-the-art demonstration biogas plant. The use of waste for energy production in the form of biogas and digestate as manure is at the moment in many Danube states almost non-existent or still at its infancy. Through R&I projects, biomastecDanube achieves technology-transfer.
Apart from biogas production for energetic reasons, other project ideas related to the material use of waste biological resources to produce bio-based products such as platform chemicals, biodegradable pots for horticulture, bedding material for animal husbandry, biochar for fertilisers et cetera are of pivotal importance.